How To Multiply by a One-Digit Number
You have already learned how to estimate products using rounding. Today you are going to learn how to multiply by a one digit number.
Watch this video. Then, see if you can do the classwork. You may have to watch the video more than once to get the idea.
Watch this video. Then, see if you can do the classwork. You may have to watch the video more than once to get the idea.
Here is another example. This is not a video so you have to click through each slide by pressing the arrows on the bottom. This is one asks you to go to page 5 of your math book. Ignore that direction - we are using a different math book than these people. The lesson is the same and you will still learn to multiply.
Lesson 14 Multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit
More presentations from Rhonda Topping
When you're finished watching and think you understand, try multiplying on your own. Work with your partner if you have any trouble. We will go over the work and the concepts together.