What are spiro-lateral designs and what do they have to do with multiplication?
We can answer those questions!
Spiro-lateral designs are circular designs made with connected lines. We used patterns we derived from multiplication tables to create our designs.
Here's what we learned:
1. Easy facts can make really hard pictures
2. Hard facts can make easy pictures
3. 3, 6, and 12 make the same picture. We think this is because they are part of the same family of facts.
4. 9 was not part of this family because the sum of all 9's facts equals nine.
5. We had a lot of trouble creating the design for 2, 7, and 11. We don't know why these were so challenging
but we were not able to create the design.
6. We noticed from the facts that the design for 2 and 11 should look the same.
7. The design for 1's facts and 10's facts are the same. We understand the relationship between 1's facts and 10's facts - just add a zero to the tens fact.
8. This was very challenging, but really fun!